Utilization of waste dust from quarrying and stone processing in the production of synthetic aggregate and construction materials (Part 2 – using lightweight synthetic aggregate)

The lightweight synthetic aggregate RUGEN RU can be used to produce lightweight dense concrete with bulk density from 1500 kg/m3 to reduce the load on constructions and concrete products. The production of aggregate is identical to the production of standard concrete. Unlike other aggregates, the synthetic aggregate RU is absorbent. The immediate absorbability influences how the concrete mixtures can be processed. Image 3 shows the structure of lightweight synthetic concrete aggregate RUGEN RU.

Image 3: Lightweight dense concrete with spherical synthetic aggregate RUGEN RU

The lightweight synthetic aggregate can be used to produce lightweight mortar and it can also serve as a voltage compensator. By using the synthetic aggregate we can decrease bulk density by 20 % whilst keeping the original strength of the concrete. Pervious concrete is a good alternative to lightweight concrete. Using the lightweight synthetic aggregate RUGEN RU we can produce articles that have the required properties whilst minimizing the use of binding agent.

Various types of pervious concrete are used to produce masonry articles (Image 5). The structure of the concrete (Image 4) allows the material to retain its natural diffusion whilst keeping excellent heat-insulating properties. The above mentioned advantages apply to other properties of the material (soundproofing).

Image 4: Pervious concrete with spherical synthetic aggregate RUGEN RU
Image 5: Examples of masonry articles made of pervious concrete with lightweight synthetic aggregate RUGEN RU

Examples of the lightweight synthetic aggregate RUGEN RU utilization demonstrate the versatility and usefulness of the product.  Providing the safety principles are observed in the process of production, the aggregate RUGEN RU is harmless.  Sets of evaluative measures have been prepared to assess the mechanical-physical parametres as well as the influence of the aggregate on human health and environment be it used in the form of the synthetic aggregate or as a part of construction products. Several national research institutes, including T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute or The Waste Management Centre, participated in the launch of the production.

© 2020 Ing. Václav Vachuška
Photo: Ing. Václav Vachuška
