Current trends in using diamond tools

diamantové nástroje

As a part of the LIDER IX project realized by the Łukasiewicz Technological Institute – Cracow and paid for by the National Technological Institute for Research and Development, which concerns the innovative metal-diamond tools without the use of critical materials for application in the process of grinding of industrial floor systems, materials from the group Fe-Mn-Cu-Sn-C were developed and they are especially durable against wear and durable for the use in the process of the grinding of concrete and stone surfaces.


The use of cheaper elementary dusts on the base of iron reduced by carbon, ferro-ferromanganese and tin bronze for their manufacture enabled to decrease the material expenses for the matrix, the material expenses for the developed matrix are 20 % of the material expenses for the normally used material Co-20%WC.

It is important to say that the price of reduced iron used to obtain matrix materials is 1-2 EUR/kg, while the price of the so far used cobalt is 50 EUR/kg 1) The elimination of critical materials (Co) furthermore enables to lower harmful influences on the health of the workers directly employed in the manufacture of professional metal-diamond tools. The advantages of developed tools are also connected with prolonging the life of the tool approximately by 30 % and the effectiveness of grinding by 30 %.

The result is fluent work and distinctively faster removal of the surface while simultaneously lowering the number of tools necessary for a particular job. Thanks to a longer lifespan of the developed tools, it is possible to shorten the delay times necessary for replacing the worn out tools. The overall gain from the use of cheaper warp materials can be estimated to several million Polish zloty annually. Chart 1 gives an example of the calculations of expected economic impacts of expected introduction of materials on the basis Fe-Mn which represent the new prototype of metal-diamond tools for the adjustment of concrete and stone surfaces. 

1) Prediction based on marketing offers given by the company Höganäs

Chart 1 Example of calculation of measurable effects of predicted implementation of developed materials creating a prototype of a metal-diamond tool with annual sales of these tools in 10,000 pieces.


The research was done as a part of LIDER IX, contract no. LIDER/22/0085/L-9/17/NCBR/2018 named: Innovative metal-diamond tools without critical materials for the use of grinding of industrial floor systems financed by the National Centre for Research and Development in Warsaw.

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Source: Kurier kamieniarski

Author: Elżbieta Cygan-Bączek  |   Published: 03. 03. 2021
