Stone rows near Kounov
Stone rows near Kounov attract not only amateurs but also experts. It is an interesting place at a plateau near Kounov (Rakovník district).
These rows of stones, organised in regular lines, will attract the attention of a random wanderer or anybody who comes in the beautiful nature to see them on purpose. There are also several larger stones that even have their own names.
The origin of stones is an interesting mystery as no similar rocks are to be found in the area. It is therefore clear that these stones had been transported here from a larger distance. There are theories on the purpose and reason for placing of the stones in this area. But there are still many unanswered questions. You can use your imagination and come up with your own ideas. But we can also try to find the answers quite logically using our experience and knowledge.
Small marlite mines line the yellow tourist route from Mutějovice railway station to the stone rows of tertiary quartzite. The marlite tableau had once been lifted high above the original sea. At these places, prehistoric people later created a very strange construction from the point of view of modern men. It will attract your attention at first look. Its original function can only be guessed.
A mere look into the forest that is strewn with quartzite stones, which are much older than the whole mesa, is not enough to satisfy a curious traveller. A surprising finding that approximately below the centre of some of the stones there are points where energies from perpendicular directions converge (South – North, East – West), has forced me to inspect the context of these stones. Energies perpendicular to each other so close together are very unusual in nature.
I have approached my investigation practically. I had worked in a research centre of a project organisation for many years. My colleagues there had taught me to search for underground energies. I have found all the significant stones in this way. And there are many of them in the rows. An image of their placement in the main circle can be seen in picture 1. I have compared the identified stones with the map of the archeologic research of the area (see pic. 2) as know from the information sign at the path. If you compare these, you can also find out that the places of important disappeared stones can be found thanks to perpendicular underground energies. I have verified this on the position of the known disappeared stone GIBBON II.
It is clear from the comparison that stones Pegas, Gibbon I, and II, were placed in a square or trapezoidal shape with sides of 300 metres. Following the energetic trail, I have found another main stone in the corner of the square. I named it PEGARD which is a composite of the words PEGAS and GUARD.
We have also found other places in the corners of the square because of their energetic trace (protection in the place of disappeared stones). We have marked them G III and G IV (see pic. 3). These disappeared stones used to be in the place where today is farmed land.
The above-mentioned notions were discussed with the famous biotronic and healer from Eastern Bohemia Vladimír Bláha. He confirmed that perpendicular lines have protective character and cannot be removed. According to his words, these energetic powers are used today for example by knowledgeable clergymen for protection of chapels and altars. The famous psychotronist Oldřich Hradílek stated that there are 2 metres fire rings below the stones.
All of this seems to be pointing to the fact that this place is a prehistoric construction of bigger dimensions and importance than what the guide to the tourist path says.
Source: Lomy a těžba