Męcina Sandstone

  1. Project: Town hall in Muszyna
  2. Supplier: Pawlimex (Męcina)
  3. Stone: grey sandstone Męcina Królewska
  4. Date of completion: in progress
  5. Elements: arched exterior block steps, interior staircase leading underground (former prison), arcade cladding, spheres, exterior flooring in modules.
  6. Amount of installed stone: over 300 m2 in thicknesses from 1 to 16 cm.


Szydłowiec Sandstone



  • Project: Apartment and service building with underground garage located at 72A Lubartowska Street in Lublin.
  • Investor: EKSAM MSM Budownictwo Sp. z o.o. Sp.k., registered office in Lublin.
  • Stone: sandstone Szydłowiec from the “SASPOL” deposit belonging to the Szydłowieckie Kopalni Kamienia Budowlanego Sp. z o.o.
  • Polished panels of up to 2.2 m2 in area were used for the facade. Above the main entrance, a 7-metre-long inscription with the name of the project was placed.
  • Amount of installed stone: approx. 550 m2.
  • Date of completion: First quarter of 2020


Strzegom grey granite



  • Project: Train station in Szczytno
  • Manufacturer: Kamieniarstwo Gromiec (Rogoźnica)
  • Stone: grey granite from manufacturer’s own excavation
  • Elements: paving slabs, kerbs, setts, riffled slabs, button foot plates
  • Amount of installed stone: approx. 3,000 m2.
  • Date of completion: Fourth quarter of 2020.


Długopole sandstone



  • Project: Sarcophagi of the Primates of Poland and Lithuania in the Łowicz Cathedral
  • Manufacturer: Pismar (Szklary Huta)
  • Stone: Długopole yellow sandstone
  • Elements: 7 sarcophagi (side slabs and cover slab) with coat of arms on the front and inscription on the cover, thickness of the elements 8 cm, from the inside the thickness is reduced to 4 cm in order to reduce the weight – brought into the crypt by hand through tight stairs.
  • Amount of stone: approx. 100 m2.
  • Date of completion: Fourth quarter of 2020.


Zimnik granite, Męcina sandstone



  • Project: revitalisation of the market square in Bochnia
  • Supplier: Tinarg (Zimnik), Pawlimex (Męcina)
  • Stone: Zimnik light grey granite, Męcina grey sandstone
  • Elements: 100 x100 x10 cm paving slabs, kerbs, block stairs, fountain cladding, setts.
  • Amount of stone: Zimnik – 4,500 m2, Męcina – 500 m2.
  • Date of completion: in progress since 2018



Source: Kurier kamieniarski

Author: Kurier Kamieniarski   |   Published: 2.3.2021
