
A few days ago, a team of scientists announced the discovery of a huge space inside the Pyramid of Cheops (or Khufu) in Giza, the largest known stone structure built during the ancient period. Now there is an extra opportunity to explore its architecture in minute detail through a 3D virtual tour. VIDEO in the article.


The Pyramid of Cheops is one of the most archaeologically explored structures in Egypt. The pyramid, built around 2550 BC, is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (the pyramids are the only ones to have survived). The monumental tomb rises to a height of just under 139 metres. And for more than 4,000 years, it was the largest structure built by man. There were known to be passages and chambers in different parts of the pyramid. But much of the inner structure remained a mystery for a long time. Scientists longed to see inside, but had no idea how to do it. Until last week, when a team from France and Japan decided to use an imaging method based on cosmic rays. So-called unstable elementary muon particles, which come from interactions with beams from space and atoms in the Earth’s upper atmosphere, are able to penetrate hundreds of metres, even through stone. Which allows mapping inside stone structures.

The team of scientists reported that months of scanning have shown a clear void in the pyramid, and now they hope to drill a miniature hole that a flying drone will fly through to find out more. The hidden void is known to be at least 100 metres long. But for now, it remains a mystery what lies inside, what purpose it served, or whether it is one or more spaces. Expedition leader Mehdi Tayoubi said, “We were very surprised to discover such a huge space. We expected to uncover a royal chamber and a grand gallery, but not to find a complete void. We wanted to explore what it was all about. It is already clear that it will be impressive, at least because the space reaches the same height as the Statue of Liberty.” “It’s definitely the discovery of this century,” says archaeologist and Egyptologist Yukinori Kawae. “There have been many hypotheses about the pyramid, but no one would have guessed that there was something like this above the Grand Gallery.”

Once the mystery of the discovered great void is solved, archaeologists hope to use similar technology to locate the burial site of Queen Nefertiti, wife of King Akhenaten. Some Egyptologists think she may have been buried in a secret chamber in Tutankhamun’s tomb.


 Come in, please.

In addition, the team of scientists who announced the discovery of the void last week have now created a virtual reality tour option that allows you to teleport from Paris directly into the pyramid structure to explore its architecture. Visitors to the Scan Pyramid Project need only don a 3D helmet and embark on a tour inside the Grand Gallery, the Royal Chambers and other rooms. “With this technology, you can find yourself right inside the pyramid with your guide,” said Mehdi Tayoubi of Scan Pyramids.

And what’s new in the world of virtual reality? The fact that you don’t find yourself alone in the transported space, but with a group, so you can take a “trip” with the whole family. You will have places within easy reach that are not easily accessible during a real tour.



Source: National Geographic

Author: Editor   |   Published: 09.11.2017
