SZYDŁOWIEC SANDSTONE – technical specifications

Physical and mechanical data:
Volumetric density: 2,120 kg/m3
Absorption: 6.9
Compressive strength:
– dry 64 MPa
– saturated with water 48 MPa
– after frost resistance test 41 MPa
Frost resistance:
– 25 cycles – visual evaluation: undamaged samples after testing
white or beige colour
fine-grained, compact, full frost resistance
Distinguishing features
white colour – pure white, unique in the world
fine-grained structure, attractive sculptural material
easy to process with mechanical and manual tools
It is available in a very wide range of products and semi-finished products: ground slabs of various formats – facade and flooring, stair cladding, facade tiles, etc. These are usually the dimensions most frequently used for facades, i.e. 100 x 50, 120 x 60 and 140 x 70 cm. Planning of panel cutting can be adapted to any building or structure and the dimensions can be any desired.
The owner of the deposit, Szydłowieckie Kopalnie Kamienia Budowlanego, supplies semi-finished products, products and raw stone in blocks. It provides services to the developer market and to individual customers. Its offer to stone producers includes mainly slabs from 4 to 12 cm thick for the production of tombstones, facing stairs, finished steps of block stairs and a full range of horizontal and vertical facing slabs, as well as any cut, split and turned elements. The material has been approved by conservators and has been used to create many monuments in the Powązki Cemetery.
The largest finished element made of this sandstone by SKKB is the slabs for balconies for an old tenement house at 7/9 Próżna Street in Warsaw – slabs measuring 340 x 140 cm and 20 cm thick, carved with a beautiful profile and delivered together with balustrades.
Like all sandstone used in construction, it is quarried without the use of blasting methods. As a result, the material does not have any internal cracks that could manifest themselves during use.
With contemporary projects, Szydłowiec sandstone will be a better alternative to architectural concrete and imported limestone due to its parameters, price, tradition of use and timelessness insensitive to fashion trends.

Source: Kurier kamieniarski
Author: Paweł Szambelan | Published: 10.05.2021