How to make garden curbs

Garden curbs have a clear function, to separate sidewalks, paths, footpaths and flower beds from lawns in gardens. Curbs and palisades prevent grass from growing where it is not desired. Curbs are produced in many different variants, so it is up to us which type we choose in order to achieve the desired effect in the garden.
One of the most frequently used variants is concrete curbs. The individual pieces have the same appearance, long lifespan and are probably best weather-resistant of all variants. We can sink them into the ground or, conversely, let their edges stand out above the edge of the lawn.

Lawn edgings and flowerbed curbs can have a completely simple form or, conversely, they may be of ornamental metal. However, it will be great for the necessary separation of areas. Their modern appearance is also a guarantee of aesthetics in the garden. Maintenance is minimal and installation is very simple.

We require curbs in gardens not only to be able to reliably separate and demarcate different areas, but we also require their frost resistance, high strength, low water absorption and, last but not least, the ability to withstand the effects of water or fertilizers.

Recessed curbs allow us to mow the grass at its very edge. Curbs that do not follow a straight line, but on the contrary are shaped into uneven arcs, are very aesthetically impressive.

Another option for separating the two surfaces is to use recessed, so-called invisible curbs. They are made of plastic and only their upper edge can be seen. Special plastic nails are used to fasten them to the ground.

Untraditionally designed stone curbs can be created around flower beds. They can be realized through natural as well as artificial stone. Another variant that is offered, in addition to plastic, is aluminium curbs, or ornamental curbs made of metal or plastic.

On a slope, slope blocks are often used to separate two unequal areas. However, this garden is only a very gentle slope. So here the owners used an invisible plastic curb to separate the flower bed and the lawn.

A hidden curb is a great helper in building garden projects. In some cases, it is possible to do without conventional curbs. But even so, it is good to separate the perennial beds (pictured) from the lawn, at least with boulders.

Lavender planting is used in the edges of flower beds and lawns. If you prune the shrubs regularly, you will achieve their interesting round shape.

In the end, we had a demonstration of an illuminated garden curb. Evening light can completely transform the garden. It will create a very interesting and pleasant atmosphere, which invites you to sit on warm summer nights.
Text: Zuzana Bohdalová