Stone with a heart

At the beginning of September, the company Kámen a písek spol. s r.o., which celebrated its 30th anniversary of founding the company, organized an anniversary event for employees, business partners, residents of the village of Ševětín, the surrounding municipalities and friends in the Ševětín quarry.
Word of the director
Otakar Veselý, CEO of Kámen a písek, gave an introductory speech. He welcomed all visitors and thanked them for coming together to celebrate the company’s 30th anniversary in the Ševětín quarry, where stone has been mined since 1872. He addressed the history and presented visions and plans for the future.
“Kámen a písek has been serving its customers, partners and mainly construction companies throughout the South Bohemian region for 30 years. We started with 5 quarries, today we mine in 10 quarries with an annual production of over 2 million tonnes. We invest CZK 30 million a year in the renewal of machines and modernization, a large part of the investment goes to reducing emissions, dust, noise and minimising the seismic effects of quarry blasting. We use state-of-the-art technology to protect the environment. We also pay attention to land reclamation and tree planting. In order to ease the traffic in the village of Ševětín, we built a bypass of the village at our own expense which is connected to the motorway.
Throughout the 30 years, the Kámen a písek company has supplied 47 million tons of aggregates to the South Bohemian market, mainly for the construction of the D3 and D4 motorways, roads and railways, from the Ševětín, Plešovice and Písek quarries. Since 2015, we have delivered 3.5 million tonnes of aggregates on the D3 motorway.
The company has the word ‘kámen’ (stone) in its name, but it does not mean we have a heart of stone. We care about our employees, their families, business partners, good neighbourly relations and you, how we live together, the environment we share and the landscape that we return to a natural face. Stone and sand is a part of your life, we will do everything to make it always a solid stone – a rock that future generations can rely on.
As reclamation is an important part of mining for us, we will introduce you to the Ševětín Reclamation project – a leisure time area.”
The company’s CEO Otakar Veselý thanked all current and former employees for their invaluable work and loyalty to the company and he also thanked St. Barbara, the patron saint of miners.
Source: Lomy a těžba