Sedimentogenic marbles

Colour, which is much more varied than with metamorphogenic marbles, is an important feature of sedimentogenic marbles. They are easy to work with, usually also polishable, and after polishing they usually look nice and interesting. On the other hand, they have higher abrasion and also less resistance to external influences. Therefore, they are mainly suitable for tiling and various stone and sculptural products in interiors.
Barrandian marbles are not marbles from the point of view of petrography, but have been called so since the Middle Ages. They are one of our best known and most popular not only among marbles, but also among noble stones in general. They were used in the construction of, for example, the National Theatre, the Municipal House, the completion of the St. Vitus Cathedral and the Klementinum repair in Prague.
Sliven marbles (Prague district) – the most famous Barrandian marble is very variable in colour. Sliven marble is the longest mined deposit of decorative stone in our country and one of the longest continuously mined deposits in the world. It was used for the interior in the Church of St. Francis on Křížovnické Square near Charles Bridge in Prague, on tombstones in the St. Vitus Cathedral and the mausoleum of J. A. Comenius in Naarden (Netherlands).
Other sedimentary marbles are Podolsko marble (Chrudim district), Křtiny marble (Blansko district), Cetechovice marble (Kroměříž district), etc.
Polished sedimentary marble is not suitable for exteriors at all. Facades from the first half of the 20th century that were lined with it (replaced in many places today) were a big mistake.
Source: Lomy a těžba