On the pages of Kurier Kamieniarski magazine, we regularly present lesser-known materials on the market that are worth noting.  At the end of the last year, black granite from the HM Granit range – Cambrian Black – caught our attention.


This stone, which the miners described as granite, is anorthosite from the geological point of view – its main component is plagioclase.

Cambrian Black is a dark black fine-grained material enriched with small silver spots. The stone comes from a Canadian quarry near Saint-Nazaire in Quebec, which covers an area of ​​about 43 hectares and its walls are 36 m high. The monthly yield of the quarry is about 425 m3. The current annual production is 5000 m3. The explored reserves guarantee mining for approximately 100 years.


The stone has very good physical and mechanical parametres:

–  density – 2874 kg / m3

–water absorption – 0.101%

– flexural strength – 12.2 MPa

– compressive strength – 153 MPa

–the stone is fully frost-resistant and acid-resistant.

According to data of the mining company, realisations made with Cambrian Black are characterised by high durability.  For low-service interiors, the service life is more than 150 years, for the high-service ones it is more than 40 years. Well-maintained boards should have their lifespan of more than 150 years.

Cambrian looks good not only in the polished version, but also in antique, brushed and water-jet finish versions.

In catalogues of stones, Cambrian Black is also known as Black Sky.

Last year, HM Granit exported 250 m3 of this material to Poland.  Cambrian is exported to the Polish market in the form of blocks and is transported directly from the port of Montreal to the port of Szczecin.




Source: Kurier kamieniarski

Author: Kurier Kamieniarski | Published: 02.03.2016
