How to fall under the spell of sloping gardens – part 2

4. Outdoor staircase in sloping garden
In the same way in which you can use all of these different materials for reinforcing the slope with walls or palisades, you can also use them for staircases. You either choose one material for all, or you rely on combining the materials. You can suitably combine the staircase with the layout of the garden paths and pavements, Anyway, it is definitely true, that garden staircase is a distinctive architectural element in the garden – an unmistakeable solitaire – as walls are. You should not forget about the handrail, it is not just an important safety element, but also a tasteful addition to the staircase. It is also appropriate to place a rockery close to the staircase. The plants can even overlap the staircase a bit in places. If the staircase is wide enough. The height and depth of the stairs are important as well as the ratio of the number of stairs to the overall length of the staircase.

5. Ground cover plants and mulch
Ground cover plants can greatly help the stability of the slope. If you want to combine them with mulch, you will need to use non-woven textile or some other material. Non-reinforced slopes can be greatly covered for example by ground covering, evergreen conifers. If you chose slope, its inclination, the way it is reinforced, and its size are crucial.
6. Streams and cascades
Sloping plot just invites you to use streams with cascades that flow into a garden pond, the circulation of water is ensured by a pump. The bed of the stream should be from concrete, so that you do not lose water. But place stones, gravel, or ideally pebbles on its bottom – concrete bed does not look good.
