Decorative gravels and pebbles for your garden

pohled na zahradu vysypanou světlým jemným štěrkem, vzadu kulatý keř a mechy s trávou a stromy, uprostřed šterku je kulatá zeleň a mechy a uprostřed kulovitého prostoru je strom blíže k divákovi je další kulovitý mechovito trávovitý porost dokola lemovaný jemným štěrkem

Decorative stones, pebbles, and decorative gravels are a great opportunity how to bring to life and complement the garden architecture. You can easily and effectively create garden paths, complete stone paving, create a Japanese garden or a decorative rockery with their help.

Stone are also good for massaging paths and they are a necessity for water bodies and garden waterfalls. Another possibility is to use them to cover the areas around trees, shrubs, and plants. Small stones can be used as decorative filling with indoor plants and bonsais. Apart from stones, pebbles, and gravel, there is another practical option for indoor plants – Leca, lightweight expanded clay aggregate. Stone, as a natural material, is great for gardens. Its various shapes, interesting structure, size, and colour can help you highlight and complement garden architecture.

The choice of stone material

One of the main questions is, which stone to choose for your garden. If you are looking at pebbles and decorative gravels, there is a wide variety of different sizes and colour alternatives. Different shades – light and dark grey contrast with the variety of white decorative gravels.

The stone that you will choose, should correspond on where do you plan to use it, and whether you want to create a harmony of shades or a dynamic contrast. You should choose the stone, its structure, and desired size accordingly. Do not forget to choose the type of stone that will withstand frost and will not disintegrate over time.

Where can be decorative gravels and pebbles used? 

Decorative gravels or stones have a variety of uses in gardens. You can fill garden paths with them and they will complement the stone paving greatly. They can be used to delineate paths, garden beds, stairs, and, of course, they can be used as decoration in rockeries or around garden ponds. Decorative stones of bigger sizes are recommended to use around water bodies, waterfalls, and ponds. Decorative stones can also be placed in concrete. A reinforced area will be created with massaging characteristics for your feet.

Advantages of gravel

Decorative gravel is beautiful and also practical. It is one of the most useful materials to reinforce the surface of garden paths with. Its use is not complicated and if you want to, you can change the shape of the gravel area any time. Irregular shapes of the paths are not a problem and you can even easily create narrow pathways. Gravel areas do not need any special maintenance and therefore is great for people who do not have time for garden maintenance.

Gravel looks good especially in combination with other materials, such as paving and bricks. If you like arranging, you can also create various interesting ornaments from gravel – curved or angular shapes, or waves.

We should also mention that small stones are great for drainage of excess moisture and are therefore good for use around plants where the stone surface will prevent moss and lichen from growing. It is no coincidence that gravel is used around house walls where drainage was used.

