How to take care of natural stone, clean it, impregnate, and maintain

Almost all the stones are very durable materials, but even they are not perfect. If you want to keep natural stone in a nice condition as long, as possible, you must take care of it properly. What are the activities included in care for natural stone?
Natural materials are really popular. And it is hard to imagine that they would ever not be. But with limited resources, the price rises. Wood and natural stone are the kings of natural materials. The fact that you have to take care of natural wood, impregnate it, paint it, lacquer it, or even use natural oil or vax on it, is “old news” as people say. But even natural stone requires care and maintenance.
Anyway, easier maintenance is definitely a great advantage of natural stone. But you will not be able to avoid cleaning. Cleaning and, in the interiors, also vacuuming are essential. The use of common chemical cleaners and detergents is not recommended. It is enough to use just common soap and water, or detergents that are meant for the cleaning of natural stone. The use of water under pressure – so called power washer, is more than enough in the exteriors. Also, regular sweeping.

It is recommended to impregnate the stone surfaces anyway. This impregnation should be repeated. Ideally, every two years. The renewal of used impregnation depends on the frequency of its use, workload, and also on how frequently the stone surfaces were cleaned. Stone needs to be properly cleaned before the impregnation. The impregnation must be applied on dry surface. Only then can it properly protect stone against moisture, oils, grease, and other pollution by acids and alkalis.

Common use of natural stone
Natural stone is normally used in the form of paving, exterior and interior paving, but also as masonry. In the form of fences, stone kitchen countertops, windowsills etc. You can use smaller flat pebbles to decorate and functionally complement the floor of a shower cubicle, concrete paved floor in the garden, interior or exterior stone staircases etc. Stone is daily exposed to diverse range of influences. Especially in the outdoors, it can be demanding. Rain, snow, frost, sun, but also salts from neighbouring roads (that are salted in winter), motor oil from cars on paved spaces and other pollution can affect stone greatly in the outdoor. In the inside, stone can be dirtied in the same way as other surfaces. Spilled coffee, falling object, or spilled chemicals etc. are more than enough.
