detail na popraskaný oprýskaný kus okrasného zdiva

Stone chemistry has made great strides in recent years. And we can only rejoice at such progress. There are protecting, washing, “polishing” potions and many others – including a whole range of adhesives: for granite, for marble, for sandstone. Such variety makes many stonemasons dizzy. But all these technological novelties should serve to improve the aesthetics of the product.

On the other hand, one could ask – is it possible to glue elements of natural stone? In my opinion yes. But the bonding should be done in such a way that an outsider would not even have noticed. And it concerns both joining stone elements in the final product and repairing the damage. But in order to achieve such an effect it is at least necessary to start and read the instructions of the glue placed on the package. It is also worth making a trial bonding on a sample material or at an invisible spot. And it’s worth respecting the specific requirements of the particular material you’re working with.

Otherwise, gluing turns into claying and has nothing to do with the art of stonemasonry. And the examples in the attached photographs only invite you to ask: is there a better way?

Source: Kurier kamieniarski

Author: Bogusław Skolak | Published: 28 April 2017
