Three times from the world of Bobcat


New production of compact Bobcat wheel loaders has started in Dobříš.

The Doosan Bobcat company has announced the start of production of new compact Bobcat wheel loader. The first piece of L85 model left the production line of the factory in Dobříš in March. It has been used for training of retailers and customers. The orders for this new model have been received from Germany, Scandinavia, and Poland so far.




The new L85 loader offers high stability with great breakout, lifting and pushing power, together with a wide range of Bobcat attachments. high performance of this machine is provided by a combination of powerful Bobcat engine and hydraulic systems. Intuitive controlling features, high comfort of the operator, and easy use make this compact L85 loader one of the best on the market It will find its use in many fields. The L85 loader can be used in construction, terrain works, segment of hire services, industry, collecting and recycling, and agriculture. It is also suitable for road works, snow removal, maintenance, and many other uses. Among the many multi-use attachments are different types of buckets, pallet fork, angle broom, or snow pusher. All this makes the L85 loader a very versatile machine.


Small articulated loaders Bobcat come to the Czech market

Bobcat introduces a new line of small articulated loaders. Models L23 and L28 offer high lifting capacity in tight jobsites, easy use, and simple intuitive controls.



New small articulated loaders have been designed and made in Bobcat factories in USA and rated operating capacity straight of 1,395 lbs. They have a robust construction, width a little bit more than a meter and a tight turning radius. In combination with low weight and high lifting capacity, they are ideal for lifting and transporting of heavy burdens in tight jobsites and uneasily accessible places. The retractable boom of L28 model has several options for easy unloading of load and different counterweights enable the user to adjust the lifting capacity to a particular application.

With the entering to the market of small articulated loaders, Bobcat has widened its range of products and the application of its machines on the growing market of landscaping, small-scale construction, and public spaces maintenance.


Telescopic Bobcat manipulator for the Polish fire brigade

Fire brigades all around the world are extending their range of options thanks to new technologies. Apart from the usual fire engines and fire extinguishers, they often also need the support of other types of technology. A typical example is the voluntary fire brigade – Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna (OSP) – from the town Gąbin in central Poland. Two years ago, they have invested into several interesting types of machines, apart from a 32 tonnes fire engine MAN TGS 41.460 with 8 x 8 drive and water tank of 11,000 litres of volume, they have also purchased a specially modified telescopic manipulator Bobcat T40.180SLP which has the lifting capacity of 4 tonnes, 4 x 4 drive, and a combustion motor of 100 horsepower.



Maximum lifting height is 17.5 metres which means that it can reach the roof of a normal five floors building. Thanks to this combination, OSP Gąbin ha probably the most unique carpark of fire equipment in Poland and they can work in extreme conditions.

OSP Gąbin has been working with the telescopic Bobcat manipulator for almost two years. During this time, the machine has been regularly used in many key firefighting actions, for example in the recovery of the debris of a small plane from a river. No other machine would be able to work on soft banks of the river.






Source: Lomy a těžba
