MIXSTONE varnish is made on water basis and it is safe for people and for the environment. Water dilutable acrylic resin was used. It makes the paint resistant against abrasion and unfavourable weather conditions – the paint remains flexible and has high adhesiveness to the surface.
MIXSTONE has special thixotropic composition which prevents flow down and spraying during painting. The phenomenon of thixotropy consists of the change in viscosity thanks to intensive mixing or painting with a brush. It enables the creation of colours that are easily applicable and at the same time do not flow down off the brush and do not flow down when painting on a vertical surface. This characteristic makes MIXSTONE use easier. Varnished letters have precise edges and the colour does not flow down during the work.
To achieve the best results, it is recommended to adhere to several basic rules:
– before using the varnish, shake the varnish properly;
– thoroughly clean the painted surface from dust, uncleanliness, and any remains of old paint;
– apply on dry, clean, and degreased surfaces;
– the paint must be applied at a temperature higher than +10 °C but not higher than +30 °C, and at humidity no higher than 80%
– other layers must be applied approximately after one hour – do not forget that low temperatures and high humidity of the air prolong the time necessary for drying out
– after finishing the job, clean the painting tools in water with detergent;
– complete hardening of surface is achieved after 24 hours.
The recipe developed in a modern laboratory and the best raw materials used in the manufacture, makes MIXSTONE varnish one of the best tools for professional decoration of stone products on the market. It is a durable, effective, ecological, and good for application. It makes stone decoration quick, easy, and clean. At the same time, it is made in Poland. This means, in this case, the highest quality for a reasonable price.
MIXSTONE in a nutshell:
– high durability of colours
– flexible and well adhesive
– resistant against weather conditions
– water dilutable
– does not flow or drip down
– it is used to paint letters on tombstones, decoration of stone memorials and stucco work
– made in Poland
Source: Kurier kamieniarski
Author: Inchem Polonia | Published: 02. 03. 2021