Liberec granite – noble stone

The Ruprechtice quarry offers a full range of coarse stone production and crushed aggregates of various fractions. In three quarry sites, Lednice, Wagner I and Wagner II, one of the most decorative domestic noble stones is mined – porphyritic biotite granite. It is known under the name Liberec granite. It is exceptional for its pinkish colour, which is due to its high content of potassium feldspar. Its attractive colour and distinctive porphyritic texture make it the favourite rock of designers and builders both in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Among the realized projects there are, for example, the Liberec granite fountain on the square in Jindřichův Hradec designed by the academic sculptor František Häckel, the Liberec granite fountain on the square in Jablonec nad Nisou and many other beautiful buildings.
The Monolith
On 18 July 2018, a block weighing over seventy tonnes was lifted from the depths of the Ruprechtice quarry by crane without a single defect. The fate of the 27.5 cubic metre monolith did not have to be debated for long – it was exactly as it aspired to become a true work of art.
In conclusion
“Over the last 10 years, mining has changed in terms of processing blasted blocks and clearing poor quality lots. Previously, everything was done manually, today the main role is done by machines,” says Radek Svoboda, production manager of LIGRANIT a.s. and adds “the new Doosan DX350LC-7 excavator is a great and reliable helper for us. The extended warranty is important, for this model it is 3 years / 5,000 MTH as standard, but LIGRANIT a.s. has received a warranty of even 5 years / 10,000 MTH thanks to long-term cooperation.”
Source: Lomy a těžba