Doosan DX350LC-7 – a newcomer in the Ruprechtice granite quarry

Increased performance of this new excavator brings significant improvement under difficult working conditions.
The LIGRANIT a.s. company owns and runs several quarries with different kinds of granite in Norther Bohemia. They, of course, use the most modern technology for work in extreme conditions. The most recent addition to help with granite quarrying is the new excavator Doosan DX350LC which complies with the most strict norm Stage V. It was delivered to the Ruprechtice quarry by its exclusive importer for the Czech Republic – the GARNEA a.s. company.
Ruprechtice quarry
The history of the Ruprechtice quarry goes back to the year 1910. over the years, it has been in the hands of the stonemason master Josef Lange or the Liebig family. It was owned by state and private companies. In the year 1992, the management went the LIGRANIT a.s. company which specializes on quarrying and selling of high-grade stone. It helps to realize projects with Czech granites and carry out designs of sculptors and architects.
The choice of an excavator for extreme work
It is necessary to have suitable technology for industrial work – machines that are effective and strong. The excavator Doosan DX350LC-7 fulfils these requirements. It was ordered from the GARNEA a.s. company, an exclusive importer of the LIGRANIT a.s. company. The key parameters for choosing, are the emphasis on extraordinary performance, low fuel usage, comfort for the operator, and last but not least also care for the environment.
“Its strength and fuel consumption have decided about the purchase of this machine. And, of course, also the length of the guarantee and service,” says Radek Svoboda. The DX350LC-7 excavator is number one in these parameters. The previous positive experience with a smaller model, the DX140, also from Doosan company, has also contributed to the choice. Care for the environment then guarantees the fulfilment of the most strict emission norms – Stage V. Most importantly, a positive experience with local importers of this brand, the GARNEA a.s. company, has played a key role. I have no complaints,” says Radek Svoboda.
For moving of many tonnes and for precise work
It is the turn for excavators in the quarry after the end of blasting works. After a small amount of explosives is placed in a way that a needed material may be obtained. After the blast, stone blocks of 100 to 3,000 kg are picked, larger pieces are broken with a hydraulic hammer. In the case of high-grade stone, the process is more careful in order to obtain the highest possible quality. Whole blocks are moved with the help of excavator and then divided with a splitter. The best pieces are split by hand. In cases of the highest possible quality, whole blocks are taken to a sawmill. “These are the pieces of 5-15 tonnes of weight. The strength of the machine is therefore a huge plus for us,” concludes Radek Svoboda.
Less strain for the environment
To fulfil Stage V emission protocols, the new DX350LC-7 is powered by diesel engine Doosan DL08 of the newest generation which gives the output of 209kW with 1,800 rpm. The DL08 engine brings new solution which passes the requirements of the emission norms of Stage V without re-circulation of combustion gases (EGR). The stated solution increases the amount of air available during combustion, increses the temperature of the process and significantly decreases the amount of produced solid particles. This is combined with highly effective technology of post-processing DOC/DPF+SCR which ensures only minimal emissions.
Thanks to new technology, the need for maintenance of filters of solid particles (DPF) is significantly limited. Maintenance is not necessary until the machine reaches 8,000 working hours.
Source: Lomy a těžba