Mining and processing of decorative stone in Vietnam

Natural stone has become an important phenomenon in people’s houses that has been accompanying us and creating our history since the times when our ancestors first stood on their hind legs. The history of the whole human striving started to be written at the moment of taking a stone in the hands for the first time.
Whether we like it or not, stone has been influencing our development, character, mood, and also aesthetical feeling. It has become a part of our development and cultural wealth. This is true for the whole inhabited world not only for our country and history. Whenever we find ourselves on the planet, we find stone as an integral guide of human development and culture. It does not matter whether we are small or big, or what race or religion we are.
Vietnamese stone
It is, of course, true also for Vietnam. Practical, or artistic use of stone has been happening here since very old times as everywhere else. Its very old culture can be documented by stone up until today. A wide variety of rock types for processing decorative stone is ensured thanks to favourable geological development of natural resources of the whole area.
A variety of rocks
Main types of rocks for mining and processing are especially granite rocks and the rocks from an extensive karst, especially limestone and marble (see attached sampler). Both of these types are present in many colours and shades. The geological distribution divides the mining and processing to two main areas. The karst area in the north is oriented mainly to mining and processing of limestone and marble. Granite rocks are mined and processed in southern areas of Vietnam which are predominantly made of plutonic and volcanic rocks. Other types of rocks for this purpose are greenish and brown-red sandstones and quartzite from the area of central Vietnam and slate with a wide variety of shades, mined especially in mountain areas of Vietnam. Quality is ensured by modern technology.

Today, the processing and mining are on a very high level. Mining companies and smaller operations that process stone are mostly oriented on machinery from Italy. The equipment of quarries and transport technology are mostly imported from South Korea, China, and Japan. All of this ensures quality processing, wide offer of products, and important export of polished board stone and other products abroad. Another important export article are stone statues, with traditional, modern, or even commercial topics.
Stonemasonry tradition
Stonemasonry and stonecutting have a very old tradition in Vietnam. There are several vocational and secondary schools that take care of keeping the tradition and education in this craft in both of the main stonemasonry areas of Vietnam.

The quality of production, selection of colours and shades of decorative stone. And also attractive prices make Vietnam one of the most important competitors in the stone business.
Source: Lomy a těžba