Looking at interesting photos on the web this time took us to Australia. And not just us. It turns out that the Armadale residence on Hampden Road has been featured in many architecture magazines around the world before us.
The facade of the three-storey building was made using 260 tonnes of granite. Nevertheless, the residence does not give a burdened impression, nor does it have the character of a stunning building. The light falling on the walls and penetrating its interior gives the whole building a surprising lightness. This impression was created by combining architectural details with the skill and precision of the stonemasons.
The collaboration between architects, builders and stonemasons made it possible to take advantage of subtle differences in materials and architectural details that make the same material suitable for different functions and applications. In a few places, this required a slightly different approach to stone, particularly in the main bathroom, where a non-standard bath and basin were designed and constructed from solid stone blocks.

Although the structure of the building is stone, the interior rooms have a light and airy feel. Especially in the living area, where the glass door opens to the bright courtyard.
The outer facade is made of 9 cm thick silver-grey granite with a chipped surface. The supplier of the 5 x 120, 10 x 100 and 20 x 80 cm components was Granite Works company.

“Raven” Pavers, manufactured by Eco Outdoor company, were used on the exterior of the building. The same company also supplied cut Torino granite for the construction of the interior floors. The bath and basins, also supplied by this supplier, are made of Fallow granite blocks with a polished finish.

The use of three types of granite subtly connects and at the same time separates the outer and inner surfaces. The building fits perfectly into its surroundings. The entire architectural design by B. E Architecture company from Australia linked the building and the surrounding landscape in such a way that residents have a variety of vantage points and terraces at their disposal without the need for extensive green space maintenance.
Source: Kurier kamieniarski
Author: Kurier Kamieniarski | Published: 14 May 2019