Cemetery architecture expresses respect for the deceased

With a dignified looking grave, we pay our respects to the deceased. A tombstone made of marble or granite will for long commemorate our deceased relatives and loved ones. Until “several” years ago, the graves were practically identical, or very similar to each other. Today, however, thanks to available equipment for processing natural stone, we can buy a grave that will differ from the others in its shape, size and colour.
Grave markers design
Grave markers are a symbol that reminds us of a dead person. An appropriately chosen style of a gravestone can point at the qualities of the deceased and create a dignified place for eternal rest. You can choose a grave from the already finished ones, or have it ready-made according to your requirements as to its size, shape, material, colour and price. Custom production of gravestones and monuments includes single graves, double graves, urn monuments, grave curbs, monument parts, grave accessories and cover inscription slabs with cut, sandblasted or plastic inscriptions and decorations.
Grave accessories
Grave accessories are a very important part of the grave, which should definitely not be forgotten. They have an aesthetic and practical function and give the grave a unique and original look. Accessories for graves can be simple or a bit more complex, including sculptural work. The grave can be supplemented with, for example, ceramic photographs, scratched portraits, stainless steel or granite lamps, crosses, bowls and vases.

A long-lasting grave
Graves are made of many materials, including artificial stones. Terrazzo, which is made of a mixture of cement and crushed stone, is very popular. It is cheaper than granite, but it does not match its excellent properties. Terrazzo is much more absorbent, which can cause the grave to crack or grow moss.
The special charm and excellent properties of natural stone remains unrivaled. Natural stone withstands adverse weather conditions and has a majestic beauty. It is granite that is the most used material in the production of gravestones. Due to its excellent properties, it is also suitable for the production of urn graves and grave accessories. It is excellent especially in frost resistance, abrasion resistance, long life and beautiful appearance. It can be perfectly processed and maintained and it is impressive by its charm and dignity. Peace and elegance radiate mainly from a monument created from polished black granite.
Reconstruction of old graves
If you own an old grave that is no longer able to withstand weather conditions, it is sunken, the individual parts move apart, accessories are loose and inscriptions faded, you can have it renovated. By restoring the grave you will restore the beauty of the place of respectful rest for the dead.

Source: www.ceskestavby.cz