DW: This is quite a specific product for a slightly different group of customers. What promotional activities do you have in mind?
RK: Now we are taking part in the 4 Design Days, but this year we want to show up at the fair in Warsaw. And that can’t be all, of course. If our plans are to be fulfilled, we must display at European fairs. These are our plans for the coming years, so I´m not revealing the details yet.
DW: You also present another product – impressive tables in a composition of stone and resin. I have seen tables like this before, but it was not in stone. Have you ever come across a solution based on before?
RK: We are no pioneers in this field. Thanks to the powers of the Internet we came to know such solutions about 5 years ago and we’ve been concerned ever since. We are a bit of restless souls – we immediately began to learn how to deal with such resin. There were some moments of doubt as it isn’t a cheap hobby. We are now sure that we have mastered the trade to such an extent that we can offer the tables to potential customers.
The combination of resin and stone produces stunning effects as you can see. It is also a signal to our customers that we don´t want to stand behind and are ready to face new challenges. This is an approach that is positively received by customers, as the market is quite saturated at the moment.
DW: I suppose both heaters and tables are specific issues that require a lot of work. And yet, there are the ordinary tasks, the handling of everyday orders. I´m sure you have to make some sacrifices to find time for experiments. This has to be appreciated. The more so that in stonework there is no search for non-standard solutions that could be offered to customers apart from the usual jobs like a countertop or floor. Apart from the presented heaters and tables, do you offer anything like that?
RK: Apart from the standard jobs presented here, we are making more and more reliefs. More and more customers are looking for unusual solutions, which is what makes us happy. Among them there are individual investors and stoneworks that do not have the necessary machinery at their disposal that would enable them to perform such tasks. Another interesting phenomenon is the proliferation of companies involved in the design and production of utility forms. Sure, I’m exaggerating a bit with this performance, as their role lies in inventing a product, participating in fairs, advertising, etc. while we only appear at the stage of implementation. As more and more such companies are no longer afraid of stone and see in it an opportunity to create unique projects, they are looking for experienced partners who could provide them with a finished product, facing up to the highest standards.
DW: These products require advanced machinery. How are you equipped?
RK: We have developed our machine park for several years, responding to the growing needs of investors and architects. Currently, we can boast of machines thanks to which we are able to make almost anything from stone. There is a rope saw for cutting blocks (pre-cutting thick elements for bas-reliefs and fireplace portals), of course a sliding table saw, a water jet for cutting complex forms, two CNC milling machines and a continuous side saw. We use the Leica 3D Disto measuring device for measurements so that the measurements are sufficiently precise. To make it all work, we also invested in additional CAD / CAM software, as the technologies offered with the machines did not always meet our expectations.
DW: What are your plans for the future?
RK: I think the normal ones: further work on the presentation and development of new products, looking for new solutions and maybe a few more challenges that await us.
Source: Kurier kamieniarski
Author: Dariusz Wawrzynkiewicz | Published: 21 March 2019